Car hub upgrade modified common sense


1. Choose a suitable hub type
First of all, we must understand that different models, the choice of wheel should be different, do not think what kind of wheel can be replaced what kind of wheel can be replaced. Hubs are divided into steel wheels, aluminum wheels and magnesium alloy wheels. Steel wheels are the heaviest, and relatively inexpensive, aluminum wheels are lighter than steel wheels and magnesium alloy wheels are lighter and softer. Acceleration performance is better, but it is mainly used for racing, magnesium alloy wheels are only used in civilian vehicles where the road conditions are excellent.

2. Use the appropriate tire type
Hub upgrade to synchronize with the tire, when the hub is modified, a certain set of attention and tire upgrade at the same time, because the tire's own size and the size of the hub are closely related. Some owners will use second-hand tires, with an unwise behavior, after all, second-hand tire tread, life expectancy than the new tire has a certain gap, traffic safety brought some hidden trouble. So, you should choose a new tire hub upgrade.
3 big wheel, brake and shock have to pay attention to adjust
In the process of modification, in addition to consider the modification limit [refers to the steering wheel does not affect the control, walking without impact shock absorbers and fenders], the modified shock absorbers is the best match. A good shock absorber reduces metal fatigue caused by ground bumps on the chassis, and enhances suspension stability while maintaining vehicle ride comfort. Good performance of the shock absorber, can reduce the car's center of gravity, so that the vehicle when the straight road and or more stable, with better grip tire also gives the driver a flexible handling.
4 can not blindly increase the hub
However, some owners think that the bigger the wheel, the wider the tire, the better. Actually, it is not. The main reasons are the following:
(1) If the diameter of the hub is too large, the moment will increase, which will increase the load when the power of the transmission shaft rotates, which will weaken the starting and acceleration of the vehicle.
(2) the use of large wheels must be with a flat rate of small tires, and the ground friction contact area increases, the friction becomes larger, so will make fuel consumption increase;
(3) The replacement of a wide tire will increase the load on the steering wheel, which will affect the handling of the slow steering wheel and shorten the service life of the steering wheel.